Monday, May 24, 2010

雨过天晴 ^^

事情总算雨过天晴了。。。好可怕哦!! 如果真的是每个22号的来临都要有事的话。。。那我宁愿不庆祝这一天了。。。我们不算日子的过每一天好了。。。这件事, 你说的对。。。学习的代价太大了。。。但如果这样让我们更了解对方更加相爱更加亲近的话。。那我想感谢这一切的发生。。。当然我不想有下次啦。。。>< 不然就不得原谅了也。。。到时会失去一个对我很重要人也。。。我好怕。。我不要。。。

这件事后,发现你变了。。。变得温柔了。。。变了一个会表达自己的男友。。。是因为我吧。。。总要说到准才会明白你想什么。。。>< 变得让我觉得你不能失去我的男人。。。应该说不想吧?突然又提醒了我你永远把我摆在前头。。。对啊。。。我怎么能忘了这一点呢。。。真傻。。我本来就该很清楚你做的决定都是为了我们。。。哎。。。糊涂啊。。。被人骂笨蛋还真是活该。。。-.- 都怪自己没去真正了解你。。。

我好秦兴我有你这个男友。。。一个不放弃我的男友。。。一个不管什么事都会挺我的男友。。。一个不断让我学习的男友。。。九月的22 号是我人生中最有意义的日子。。。那一天以为失去了爱,但原来我得回了更多的爱和更多的知识。。。。我感谢上帝,赐给我这么一个重要的亲人。。。

Friday, May 21, 2010


感觉好奇怪。。。感觉不应该就这么结束。。。感觉我还爱着你。。。好多好多的感觉弄得我好矛盾。。。本来不是应该倒数的吗? 在一瞬间什么都变得不一样了。。。心理好难过但总觉得我们的故事还没到最后一业。这个月的22不是祝彼此快乐而是希望大家快乐了。。。爱情真的很讽刺。。。永远都猜不透它要开什么玩笑。。。此时此刻脑海里就只有回忆陪着我。。。盼望着希望。。。

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another dream....

No wonder so shitty! because 22nd is approcahing! No good thing wtf! I hate this!

I dreamt of you. We seem to have problems or something. We didn't talk to each other. But i know our hearts remain together. You were with your friends and i was searching for you till finally i found you. But i didn't dare to approach you to say hi, in fact i wanted so much to talk to you. I remembered i just looked at you from afar and it hurt me badly. So near yet it felt so far... At last, i chose to walk away...

I'm scared...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

14th and 15th

Just finish editing all the pictures. Don't know why some of the pictures contrast appear to be weird. (my face) half orange half pink wtf!

Anyway, there was this Bakam Challenge event that was organised and we happened to donate some help during the event. :) It was great! not hot got aircond. not much to do..just helped out with registration and my job is basically follow my boss to wherever he goes wtf! luckily he didn't ask me to go jungle with him!! if not i straight resign no give face hahaha! :P

So on the registration day, besides working the most we did was actually camwhoring and facebooking! hahaha! Not much to do wad. All we had to do on the 1st day was wait and wait and still wait....for the challengers to come and take their plate numbers. We were supposed to finish at 7pm lo....but those irresponsible people kept us wait till 8pm and we onlyget to finish at 9pm! grrrr *narrow eyes
Must pose with headline of the day must be the 1st thing of course. "The Bakam Challenge"

I tell u! This girl aka Peng Peng was the busiet one during that day!i'll let you know why. First, she had to carry this bread to wherever she goes. The reason is just because she loves the bread. :)

See? Have to carry even posing! and even eating at the same time wtf!

She then busy set up the laptop was the 2nd thing.

awww this is nice :)

And what kept her real busy was her facebook game! i'm 100% that from the moment she sat down she started making sushi never left her bum off the seat except when the boss called. she didn't even need toilet! you say lar busy or wad? hahaha!

Yes, those chairs are set up by us. Our hardwork can? we were having real hardtime to carry those heavy chairs in and out! luckily no broken arms! hahaha! wtf no la i was kidding they were there already when we arrived. *salute to the management staff" wtf!

Now this is no kidding. Really doing work :)

And i was doing my work too! Making sure i look good in the pics! hahah! :)

And the boss wanted to try out the projector. so we get to watch AVATAR! hahah wtf!

Look! lighting on the tiles! =D

Later on the boss also decided to join us fooling around. hahah! so cuteee...

I am greedy! I want to kiss immare and seduce my boss with my sexy eyes at the same time WTF!

And then just before we were about to leave, came this fella with DSLR!! OMG!! so we all went crazy!! He even voluntered to take my pics! Yes he volunteered one okay! i damn paise duno how to pose.

I like this pose very very much lo...and it turned out he only took my FAT face! WTF!

So i had no choice but cover my face with my palms. fml T___T

Why didn't he attend dinner on the 15th? i still want more pics with LDSR!! huehue~ Can't wait to see the pics in his camera! And this good guy forgot his RayBan sunglasses! LOL! So....
HAHAHAHAHA! So gay my boss! can wear A cup bra already wtf!

Wheeewiittt~Immare rocks! haha

ummm..ummm...Imma office lady heading for a business conference =)

We were all hungry after that so we decided to go for KFCK burger which is popular in facebook! :)

Beef cheese!

Aarrrhmmm!! YUM YUM!!

Aiyooo...mouth so small how to eat?? hahah

poor big boss....we're almost finish with our "dinner" yet he was still busying with works...

The cash we earned that night! immare and i planned to buy 2 DSLR 2 new handphones and Lots and lots of clothes!! hahahaha!

This is the next day. giving out T-shirts and prize giving.

The 3 assistants naming from the left Ah Do,Ah Re, and Ah Mi...

The T-shirt to be given out

Immare generously offered to help me put on fake eyelashes!!! awww~~ my eyes straight away woke up from the dead! WTF! means more alive la more pretty la more bright la get it?

Sui kan sui kan??? thankiu~~~~ =D

Not contented still wanna do some touch up hahaha!

This is the only pic i like with the right brightness! Why ah others all yellow and orange???

After that we all started eating. didn't get any pics of the food. Guess we were just lazy or busy enjoying the food. I MISS TOMATOES!!! :(

Those two days were awesome!! looking forward to hang out with funny Peng again hahaha!

Sunday, May 9, 2010




你抱着满心期待拨电给他,希望他会有所惊喜,结果听到你的声音,第一句话就是冷冷的:“喂,打给我干吗?”你的心都碎了,忍住泪,委屈地说:“没事。想你。” 我男友第一句都是“ halo? zomok?” 不然就“ 在zomok? ” ><"

你生病了,需要的是安慰,或者一些让人听了舒服的话;发简讯告诉他你生病了,换来的是一句:“都跟你说了多少次,现在生病了咯。我都没有话跟你说。”你心里面想着:没有话说就挂电吧,你不是医生,我也不是你的病人。“这话题对他很敏感最好是不生病不然一定要看医生不然躺在医院别怪他无情。。。 ><"

你极度生气他,可他竟可以假装不知道这回事。你问他:“难道你不知道我生气你吗?”,他嬉皮笑脸地看着你:“有吗?” 你郁闷,原来他连你生气都不知道,还是原来你把我的生气不当作一回事。你可知道,你刚才的模样有些讨人厌?其实我们俩都爱装,目前也成为了我们之间的讨论问题。。。><"


你兴致勃勃花了不知多少个晚上做的生日礼物,打算送给他,给他惊喜。他看见了,连看也没认真地看就把它收起来,然后问你:“干吗浪费这样的时间呢?花时间读书不是更好吗?” 你斜眼看他,透露出来的是不被珍惜的目光。心里面骂着:“还不是为了你吗,笨蛋?!” 我生日是明天不是今天。。。如果不够大气,已经把蛋糕炸他脸了~

你闲来无事,传他一则简讯,倾诉你对他的思念。他在简讯中回复你:“想我干什么?与其想我,不如做其他更有意义的事。”你傻眼,世界上竟然会有人不喜欢被想念的感觉!想你,难道你会狂打喷嚏一整天吗?我是在想你,不是在打你小人!"cheh...duno is miss me or not" 就是那么欠打。。。哈哈!虽然知道他是开玩笑的。。


无论男生或者女生都是有脾气的。他在工作上遇到不开心的事情,向你发牢骚,你是一个超完美的聆听者,还是100分的辅导员。你在感情上和他出现分歧,你告诉他;你每个月情绪澎湃几天,对他发了脾气;你在工作上遇到被歧视的片刻,向他哭诉,他“支支吾吾”地边打游戏,便聆听着,你不跃,发了脾气,他说你是神经病的、爱闹情绪的、恶搞的。不要以为你的女友没有情绪、没有脾气。我发起火来,可以把你烫熟!"what the fuck? what you want now?" deng...><"


也当然我男友还有很多说不完的优点。。。以后有机会再分享。。。 :) 因为有你。。一切都变得完美。。 ^^

Escapade 约会~ ^^

终于啊~~我的爱人带我去吃 escapade sushi 了!! 哈哈哈!渴望多久了啊~~(还以为他当真等我pass了才带我去。如果没pass不是永远都不用去??-.-)每次都是他下来美里这次终于到我上去了。 嘿嘿 而且这次只有我们两去吃。。。超爽!! 哈哈!由于只有两个人,所以叫得不多。可是还是没吃完。。。zzzzzzz

唉~~ 被偷拍都可以这么好看。。。果然人美就是不一样。。。你们说是不是??!*羞~

正拍当然更好看啦!! 哈哈哈!




这个满好吃的啦。。可是太大块吃到要吐!看到那些冰吗? 不是拿来保新鲜而是给你点来一起吃的。。。 :)

这个很好吃!! 超大块好像都吃不会完酱。。吞了你也差不多饱了啦。。这是我们的第一道,现在知道为什么吃不完了吧。。


怡儿~~这个真的经典! 这里表现不出它的好吃一定要放进嘴巴慢慢融化才能感受到~ 哈哈哈!
本来有机会下bandar的。。。都怪自己太会睡。。。懒惰爬起来。。。一半也怕dear dear太累啦。。。没关系,下次咯。。。:)

Monday, May 3, 2010


早知就早点开moodle 来看。。。那就会知道考试原来已经延迟了。。。这样,也就不用那么快让你回去了。。。怡儿~~好想你啊~~我在听“只能抱着你”。。。还想再一起唱歌。。。虽然歌词都不对,声音像鸭子, 但我们都唱得~~不知该怎么形容总之就乱七八糟! 啊哈哈哈!但我就喜欢!^^ 也就只又跟你一起,才会这么疯狂的,不顾形象的在大街, 去到哪拍到哪~ 哈哈哈哈哈!让我想到dessert那个三巴佬。。。没看过人在dessert拍照! (其实说来我们比谁都还要三巴)哈哈哈!

哪哪~ 先放你最爱的~ =D

谁看了这个想找代言人的话请打016-8988563, 说找美女就行了。:)
*不用谢。。。 :P

第一次吃那么多冰。。。你也是吗? 当作庆祝我们的四周年。。哈哈哈哈哈!


正个post 都是你爱的照片。。。人家不知道还以为是你的blog呢!



我们应该站在poster前面拍才对啦。。。这样谁会知道我们原来是去看戏啊?然后这张还真的是朦胧美呢!! swt...

我喜欢这张!!! 因为手黑输你所以在这要赢你~~哈哈哈!=.=

鸡抓!!! 只有我们会~ ♥♥♥

最后经典!(请不要问我。。我真的不知道她哪来的自信~ )怡儿~

我们忘了拍一起睡觉的照片啦。。 :(
知道~还会有机会嘛~ 改次,到你哭下好不好?哈哈哈!><"