I can't stop missing you!! how how how!! :( it's so bothering and killing me inside! I hate LDR and i hate it's another LDR that i have to bear with! God damnit! Can't i just have normal relationship like people do? Can't we just stay together? And why am i so fucking emo?! FTS!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dear, 告诉我没你在的日子要怎么过?没有你陪伴的夜要怎么入眠?虽然知道只是短短四天,但心里就是有种思念的感觉。。。可能已习惯了有你在吧?习惯了上facebook查看有没有你的post,习惯等十一点你回来就为了聊那两下然后看着你休息。。习惯了等五点你放工然后陪我聊天,也习惯了晚上定要开着webcam看着你睡着我才睡。
现在。。 :( 只能盼望你会想我, 知道我在思念着你,念到我都快得相思病了。。。快快回来吧。。。真希望能把这依赖人的坏习惯改掉这样我就不需要想你想到那么辛苦了。huehue....今晚要记得打电话给我让我听听你的声音才睡哦。。。Thursday, January 21, 2010
Flash Backs
Remember the times we went clubbing together? When was the best time when we danced around like crazy buffaloes practising aerobics? LOL...yea too much to recall back ey?
The 1st time i join the crime gang which was in island and that was the 1st time i get drunk with a single tequila pop! That was also when we fell in love with pops no? :D
2nd time in Cherrie Berries when Fern brought me to meet her gang again. we were still not close that time.
Drank like it was the end of the world that night and ended up like shit! :x Get an Onion nickname too!
Celebrated Alan and Fish's birthday. It was among the best time we have ever had! Miss those days.
And we danced like nobody's business! haha...
And then we started to get closer and hang out at our fav spot, Island. Fine and relaxing. 2 pops and i was down. =.=
There you go Immare. haha I forgot his name. :(
The time we were out celebrating Sharon's Birthday where we join Zhang's fren while waiting for the gals to sneak out during midnight. Met with this cute active Shirley whom is now a Mama.
Just days after, it came to Zhang's birthday and we were again excited for a crazy night out! xD
And he danced like he's the king of the club jumping here and there. haha! Miss u Zhangie :)
When is this? hmm...Immare do u remember u fell on ur butt that night? :P
National Day where we, the old gang coincidently met Fern outside Island. And we had the best chicken wings!!
I was not drunk okay. It's hard to get high when u go clubbing with non-clubbing-kaki. haha! i was tired dancing with Fish hehehe. i swear it was only two of us shaking the club down that night! x.x
1st hometown clubbing. And this girl who was emo that night went drunk like the previous me but watch out! she punch people when she is drunk! haha! Dear, luckily i don't punch people rite? :P
Ah Dee's bithday and Immare met us up in K bar! That was also the night i found a friend whom i still care became so worthless to be cared about. :(
Got back to Miri and visited Balcony after renovated. Usually the most drinkable jiejie got drunk that night!
And after months, here we are again! LOL...
Surely hope that we can get back together like this more often. And more people of course! :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
而我呢。。为了准备生日礼物,不用说心思,精神也花了不少!可是看到他脸上的表情和吃的时候晶晶有味,一切都值得啦。。嘿嘿。。。他说,“我老婆做的耶, 怎么会不好吃!我要把它吃完。。”真的吃完连我吃了都想吐的icing都吃进肚子耶!(不好吃也要委屈吞)其实没那么难吃啦。。一共做了三次,第一次算能吃,第二粒, 也是让我心碎的一粒,在垃圾堆。而第三粒就完美了!总算没让我失望! 嘿嘿!在此也要谢谢fern, vivian 和jack 一直不放弃了帮我达成这任务!=) 分享些照片。
我们的1st attempt.心情超轻松,以为很容易, 又有大厨师在!
他坚持要打的。。 :P
taadaaa!! 不错吧!! 味道也不错哦!=) 大功告成!*开心*
另外,为了隱瞞这(自以为聪明)的老大。。。许多奇奇怪怪的谎话说了不少,最后还要受气!!! =.= 真搞不懂某些人干嘛那么自作聪明让我做主一次都不行。说什么明天过十二点才是他生日,我倒知道啦!!!可是我怎么舍得让你吃烂蛋糕再难也要弄完美的送给你啊!还要纠正我说要给surprise不是这样给的。妈的气死我了!辛辛苦苦的还要被这样踩。 我不会给surprise那你教我怎样给啦!还有知道是surprise 就静静啦!!! 我的天!把老娘给气怀了!!最后还要装没事陪他吃蛋糕!真发现自己脾气变好了!换是以前的我,还会继续睬你才傻勒! >.< 算了,谁叫你是老大。。。哈哈!最后还是完美结局啦。。嘿嘿。。。
本来想拍他吹蜡炬,可是还没来得及拿手机他已经许愿吹掉了。。*很迫不及待* =.=
korean artist 切蛋糕!
死豆豆!!! =.=
还送了只有他能拥有的special T! 哈哈!
老大dear, 你好象许了不少愿望耶! 当中一定有想成为明星梦对不对?哈哈哈哈!好啦,我知道你喜欢人家祝你帅帅嘛。。我不祝你这个!我祝你天天都开心,多为自己着想点。还有快快考上你的course这比较重要!还有祝你赚更多的lui也能留住你得lui我们旅行去!! 耶!!!! =D
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tommy Hilfiger
吸引到你了吗??我是说那香水哦!没错!用了就会像模特儿那么性感有魅力!哈哈哈!>.< 好啦。。。瓶子很漂亮啊!大瓶的还有送charm呢!(那时有promotion, 可惜没买到 =( )味道很香而不刺鼻。给我这种喜欢甜味的,这瓶我觉得最适合不过了。。 =) 虽然还有很多别的牌子都很香啦。。。可是我决定把这瓶当作我的第一份礼物!哈哈!用了就会变性感耶! 你不要吗??亲爱的! 不要买错哦!!还有,放聪明点,A多点free gift 回来哦! 买大送小!哈哈!你嘴巴那么甜一定没问题的啦!=) 千万个谢谢送回给你!嘿嘿。。。