Those who know Bintulu won't deny that it's a very boring place i believe. so u can imagine what we do here for 4 days 3 nights. ><
Most of the pictures taken are camwhoring pictures and some of them are really silly. HAHAHA! i'll show you later. Didn't took any pics in the 1st gorgeous hotel (H5 Hotel) :(
Ok let me talk bout this. when dear first arrive here we immediately went to hunt for an inn cos he didn't wanna spend too much on the accomodation but FOL all the inns including one of the new hotel are fully booked!! so no choice we have to pick the cheapest plus reasonable one. Lucky we took H5. The design of the inn is awsome!!! i love it. simple and trendy with black and white as theme. We ordered room service and the food was mad delicious!!! (forgot to take pictures again!! ) i want to go back for more food! huehue....At night we went to visit UK Funfair (cos no place to go seriously!!) Throw RM20 on the games but not the exciting one cos we were to full to get on them. Not much on the 1st day except stuffing ourselves with food -.- and no pictures taken.
The next morning we went for breakfast. This guy! at first he ordered kueh chap but then he changed mind to laksa and then he saw longlife noodle with chicken soup (鸡汤面线) on the menu so i decided that i should order that one so that he can have a try. And then the worse came. He saw people eating chao kuehtiaw and he demanded for it too! hahahahahaha he said it looked nice so we ordered one. i was actually thinking of a light breakfast that morning but we ended up stuffing ourselves again! aduh...of course it's not me...he's the one finishing them... ><
After that we went back to prepare for a check out ( because we only booked for a night and the receptionist said it's taken already when we wanted for the 2nd night FOL again) After checking in at another inn (of course not that good compared to H5 but boleh tahan la got WIFI wad -.-) we went to eat again...
you'll never guess what he wanted for lunch. DURIANS!! FML! those who noe him would definitely know how crazy he is for durians. i can't stop him so i we ate durians with mumy cos he said they were bought for mumy (she likes durians too) and i know it is an excuse!!! dia sendiri mau makan. hahahaha after durians we had tong soi (塘水)and watermelons...i told you..non stop eating. we were supposed to go beach to have chicken wings at dinner time but i cancelled. My chicken wing~~~~ :(
At night we had a small gathering with my ex-classmates at Tom's Place. who said the food there are nice??? i swear i'll never go back there again. i miss Hot Spot :(
The next day....alright it's about food hunting again actually my post is getting boring! no pictures one wtf!

ok la we made a stop at The Chef for hi tea. we had to wait for 5pm before heading Sibu and we checked out from the inn earlier so that explained why we had no place to go -.-
Again he finished most of them. hahah he is a pig!! :P BTW they were really yummy even i was full that time. this is not long after our meal okay...
Aiyerr...act cute tim..hahaha muacks! xD
2nd high tea cos again nowhere to go but still die die wanna stick together. The green tea with red bean was SUPERB!!!!
Hey that's mine!!
Yum yumm :)
i tell you all this guy can really die without internet. And he access the same website all the time even more than facebook! no wifi also he die die wanna on9 using his digi line -.- beh tahan...
Vain pic hehehe
After like driving almost the whole town of Bintulu finally it was time for long journey. so more pictures in the car. =)
He's on9-ing again!!!!! dulan...
I love this one!! so cute!! =))))
i guess he didn't wanna be the light bulb... :P
zou me ban ku wor....hou guai sei lam geh jek...hahaha
See!! again!!!
This post takes me so damn long to finish im lazy to type ordy. skip to 2nd day and more pictures in the car. -.-
Ready to go out after finishing his drama 神话
Hey dude, no reading allowed in the car. i do teach him LOL
HAHAHAHAHA why lah he looked at me like that so damn cute one..hahahahha
Oooppsss not ready yet...
There you go... :)
eat more durians and i'll punch you in the face! HAHAAHAHA
awww sleepy head...
Better one with one half eye wtf -.-
hi~ we're back in Bintulu! =) aiya lazy wanna type wad happen back in Sibu you all won't be interested also lah right right? I knew it!! *narrow eyes*
Masih on9 bermati matian...
HAHAHAHAHAHA confirm no more image.. YOU ARE MINE!!
super suka this one... :)))
Before i finish i have to tell you all that this BIG pao is damn f**king yummehhh! Not only that it's HUGE. it's my palm size no kidding walao my saliva is dripping nao T.T
arghhh more saliva nao!! i have to go eat this pao tomorrow juga!!
Ok finally this post can be ended with a very vain pic of mine.. :) tata~